Under the bed-space is the most convenient hidden storage space in the house if you know how to utilize it effectively and efficiently. The bedroom is simply considered as a room for relaxation. However, we will be surprised to witness the number of items it needs to house starting from clothing, jewels, accessories, books, and many more. A solid wood bed would be the largest furniture you may ever have in your bedroom. While using so much of a place for sleeping alone, it is also important to make the bedding space more functional to keep everything out of sight with safe methods as much as possible. Either you need to get an in-built storage bed or you should be creative to utilize them under the bed free space for effective storing of goods. Here we explore some of the efficient under the bed storage ideas.
By simply adding some storage boxes under the bed will work just fine, but it will be far from the ideal storage bed. Before shopping for storage bins, look for something in your house itself that can be reused as storage options such as plastic boxes, old vintage suitcases, a narrow bookshelf, old dresser drawers, etc. These to be thrown away items can be effectively utilized for storage purposes by simply applying some polish and attaching wheels under the suitcase, bookshelf, and drawers to make it easier to access them while we search for the stored goodies in it. The searching becomes efficient when we store all the goodies that are alike in one particular box or place. This makes our brain memorize the items stored effortlessly.
How big the Storage Space would be?
This depends on what all you want to dump inside. Also the size of your bedroom matters. If you have a huge bedroom, then a king size bed with storage would be ideal for you. It will be the center of attraction in your bedroom, at the same time you can hide anything and everything possible in it as well. If the room size is comparatively small, you may concentrate on the height of the bed frame to have more efficient storage space, opines experts from Wakefit.
Roof Height should be Considered
Many of the storage beds come with hydraulic lifting up options rather than side drawers. Based on your room's dimensions, you can choose either of them. Make sure while lifting the storage bed no lights are hit and other accessories in the bedroom are damaged.
Look for safe lockers inside the Storage bed
Since storage bed provides hidden storage space, expert bed manufacturers take one step forward to make a safe locker inside with a locking system to store valuables and jewels. This will ensure safety to your jewels while you are going on a vacation. This space can also be utilized to hide some surprise gifts for your kids or partner.
How to Utilize different Rooms for Storage?
Kid’s bedroom: Things that are mainly used by children can be stored in their storage bed. For example; toys, books, seasonal outfits, games, play stations, and if enough space available board games can be placed there. Shoes and boots that are not used very often can be placed in a box and kept inside. Similarly, bags that are not in regular use can be stored here.
Guest bedroom: This room can be completely utilized for storage purposes as you may have guests occasionally. CDs, DVDs, video games, craft materials, gift wrappers, seasonal clothing, bed linens, towels, etc. can be stored here.
Master bedroom: Here is the largest storage space available, as most of us will have a royal king size bed in this room. You will have ample space available to store everything that you want to hide from the sight of an outsider. Usually, the travel baggage and extra cushions, pillows, and linens are stored in this room. Also being the owner of this room, you have the flexibility to utilize the storage available as a closet for the additional clothes that are piled up in the wardrobe. If the storage bed has side drawers, even the things that we use regularly can be kept. Perfume bottles, jewel boxes, makeover items, accessories all can be stored safely here away from the reach of small children. Sometimes even the medicines that should be taken daily can be stored in the drawers if you don't have a side table.
Most of the bedroom benefits from a storage bed irrespective of the room size. Ever since storage beds became trendy, manufacturers are facing high levels of competition to make this facility available in all sizes of beds, be it a single bed,queen size bed,or a king-size bed. If your house tends to accumulate dust easily, storage beds are the best choice for you to keep your home neat and clean ensuring the safety of the goodies that are emotionally attached to you.
For More Details Visit: https://www.wakefit.co/
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